The Vermont Statehouse Insider – Week 520220214121559
The Vermont Statehouse Insider – Week 5
** GROUNDHOG WEEK ———————————————————...
Regulating social media? A new bill introduced in Tennessee hopes to treat social media like common carriers.20220209145704
Regulating social media? A new bill introduced in Tennessee hopes to treat social media like common carriers.
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business Tennessee Rep. Dennis Powers, R-Jacksboro, has introduced HB 2369, a bill that would, in effect, make censorship of socia...
The Vermont Statehouse Insider – Week 420220131095204
The Vermont Statehouse Insider – Week 4
DIVING INTO SUBSTANCE Legislative priorities are beginning to take shape as policy committees have moved beyond the introduction and review phase whic...
The Vermont Statehouse Insider – Week 320220126125400
The Vermont Statehouse Insider – Week 3
HYBRID The Vermont Legislature convened in person this week for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Sort of… The House of Represent...
The Vermont Statehouse Insider – Week 220220126124302
The Vermont Statehouse Insider – Week 2
OPERATIONAL CHANGES The second week of the 2022 legislative session started with big news relating to the state’s pension funds. On Monday, the...