DeepSeek R-1 Sparks a Wave of State-Level Bans Across the U.S.20250224205517
DeepSeek R-1 Sparks a Wave of State-Level Bans Across the U.S.
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business In an AI landscape evolving at breakneck speed, it’s increasingly difficult to surprise, but the release of China’s DeepS...
States Rush to Regulate Artificial Intelligence20240506165330
States Rush to Regulate Artificial Intelligence
By FOCUS, A Leonine Business With artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly evolving, states are taking decisive steps to address the technology’s challeng...
The Future of Artificial Intelligence in State Legislatures20231211174301
The Future of Artificial Intelligence in State Legislatures
By FOCUS, A Leonine Business In state legislatures across the country, a critical focus has emerged on addressing the multifaceted challenges posed ...