The Vermont Statehouse Insider 2024 – Week 820240226142923

The Vermont Statehouse Insider 2024 – Week 8

TIME Policy committees in the Vermont House worked to finalize their FY2025 budget recommendations this week. These recommendations will inform the Ho...
The Vermont Statehouse Insider 2024 – Week 720240219143718

The Vermont Statehouse Insider 2024 – Week 7

SHAZAM! With Town Meeting break and the March crossover dates fast approaching, policy committees in the legislature were engulfed in bill markup this...
The Vermont Statehouse Insider 2024 – Week 620240212143326

The Vermont Statehouse Insider 2024 – Week 6

PAIN AND GAIN Legislative priorities for 2024 are beginning to take shape as policy committees have moved beyond the introduction and review phase tha...
The Vermont Statehouse Insider 2024 – Week 520240205151315

The Vermont Statehouse Insider 2024 – Week 5

BE COOL Week five marked the beginning of February and the beginning of the countdown to Town Meeting Day and crossover. With the legislature convenin...
The Vermont Statehouse Insider 2024 – Week 420240129144646

The Vermont Statehouse Insider 2024 – Week 4

CLASH TIME Week four of the legislative session started on Tuesday morning with the Senate holding a veto override vote on H.158, a bill that would ha...