States Push Liability Protections as Businesses Reopen20200615112329
States Push Liability Protections as Businesses Reopen
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business Returning to work in the time of COVID is seen across the political spectrum as both a highly treacherous process and an ...
Social Distancing Creates Remote Notarization Boom20200513165957
Social Distancing Creates Remote Notarization Boom
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business Wills, titles, mortgages, powers of attorney, medical directives, affidavits and more – all of these legal documents and ...
Single-Use Plastic Bans Divide States20200311093743
Single-Use Plastic Bans Divide States
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business Since 2016, when California enacted one of the first major bans on single-use plastic bags, the movement to prohibit the ...
States Cracking Down on Employee Misclassification20200210125617
States Cracking Down on Employee Misclassification
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business Over the past decade, the rise of the so-called “gig economy,” which includes services such as Uber and Lyft, has transfo...
State and Federal Friction on Green Energy20200113121257
State and Federal Friction on Green Energy
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business Over the past three years, the Trump Administration has been undertaking a massive rollback of federal environmental regu...