Association Health Plans – Boon or Bust?20180814111200

Association Health Plans – Boon or Bust?

Leonine Public AffairsAugust 14, 20180 comments
By FOCUS, A Leonine Business In June, the Department of Labor, under a plan by the Trump Administration, announced the future adoption of final rules ...
Corporations Use their Clout to Shape Policy20180620115410

Corporations Use their Clout to Shape Policy

Leonine Public AffairsJune 20, 20180 comments
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business In May, the Seattle City Council unanimously agreed to pass a new ordinance known as a “head tax”, which would have impos...
State Attorneys General Take On the Feds20180518130445

State Attorneys General Take On the Feds

Leonine Public AffairsMay 18, 20180 comments
By FOCUS, a Leonine business In 2012, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under the Obama administration, enacted strict vehicle emissions...
After Years of Budget Tightening, Teachers Take to the Streets20180416095155

After Years of Budget Tightening, Teachers Take to the Streets

Leonine Public AffairsApril 16, 20180 comments
By FOCUS, a Leonine business The teachers’ strikes started in West Virginia and quickly spread to Oklahoma, two of the states with the lowest average ...
As Federal Funding Tapers, Red States Acquiesce to Medicaid Expansion20180312095129

As Federal Funding Tapers, Red States Acquiesce to Medicaid Expansion

Leonine Public AffairsMarch 12, 20180 comments
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business To date, 32 states and the District of Columbia have expanded their Medicaid programs as authorized under the Affordable ...